Principal's Corner
Round Prairie
Principal’s Message
I would like to thank all of our parents who are assisting their children with their homework assignments. Our teachers are encouraging their students to read and complete writing summaries/critiques over what chapter books they are reading on a nightly basis. At the K/1 level, the written assignments are modified for students’ abilities.
As a school district, we are making a push for better writing skills in our students. District 8 has selected a writing committee made-up of teachers from each of our schools. For example, your children will be asked to write a number drafts prior to their final papers. We have made improvements in reading, now along with your help will put procedures in place that help our students become better writers. Exemplary written assignments will be featured on our website.
We had a cold weather episode recently, which reminds us of the importance of students bringing to school warm gloves, boots, coats, and hats. Should you need assistance in providing warmer clothing, please contact me at 701-875-4346.
Also, our fall (2016) concert is scheduled for next Tuesday, October 18, 2016. Please come and support you children in showcasing what they have learned to this point in the new school year. It will feature a variety of musical selections for band, choir, and will debut a slide show going along with a poem written by Mrs. Kendall that is put to music.
Dr. Robert Smith